I design and produce ceramic products.
I live in Warsaw / Poland and work at the School of Form as an Instructor and Head of Ceramic Studio.
click to read more

Szwed | Hulbój is a cooperation between Arkadiusz Szwed and Jarek Hulbój - designers, curators, craftsmen and educators, who both have many individual exhibitions on their accounts. Their work has been shown in Poland and abroad. Love for the material they work in and awareness of the technological processes, is their common standing ground.
Arkadiusz Szwed, a representative of the generation of ceramists for whom the technological process in ceramics is deliberately and consciously disrupted in order to achieve a form displaying a relationship between process and performance. He concerns himself with utilitarian design as well as conceptual work and education in the field of industrial design. His works form a collage of technical knowledge, sensitivity and creativity.
https://culture.pl/en/artist/arkadiusz-szwed | https://culture.pl/pl/tworca/arkadiusz-szwed
Jarek Hulbój designs objects and spaces, using sound, photography, video and performance. As a creator, he works mainly with wood, exploring its wide potential. He has completed several individual projects, participated in over 40 exhibitions and collective projects in Poland, Armenia, Slovakia, Germany, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Denmark and the USA.
https://culture.pl/en/artist/jaroslaw-hulboj | https://culture.pl/pl/tworca/jaroslaw-hulboj
ceramic — szwedarkadiusz@gmail.com
wood — jarekhulboj@interia.pl
PR — lempicka.marta@gmail.com